Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Field Day!!!!

Today we celebrated first grade's field day!  The boys and girls had a BLAST rotating to different stations and getting some fitness!  Thank you so much to all of the parents who attended, volunteered, and donated items to make this year's field day a success!
Angela, Kathy, Gabrielle, and Misganna throwing frisbees

Madeleine, Hanna, and Sandy blowing bubbles

Logan and Isaiah launching the bean bag


Great catch!

Preparing for another launch

Max, Cooper, Rahul, and Simon shooting some hoops

Sandy, Hanna, Madeleine, and Xavier preparing for the marble race

Catching marbles with their toes!!!

Go, go, go!

Caden about to take a swing at the ball

Caden and Paarth

Jordan tossing the horseshoe

Garbrielle, Angela, and Kathy launching the bean bag

It got Misganna! :)

Jordan and Vagmin

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