Thursday, February 10, 2011

100th day!!!!!

Our 100th day celebration was a HUGE success!!!!  The boys and girls were so proud of their "100 million dollar" attire, and I was so impressed by their adorable costumes!  Thank you so much, parents, for helping to make our day a success with your creative outfits and accessories!  The children looked incredible!  The boys and girls also had a great time today rotating to each first grade teacher's room to participate in a variety of activities celebrating our 100th day of first grade.  We culminated the day's events by preparing our 100 day trail mix and then enjoying our tasty treat.  Thank you so much to those of you who donated supplies for our trail mix!  Following are some pictures from our special day!  We hope you enjoy seeing all of our great costumes as much as we did!  Thank you again for helping to make our day such a success!
Just arriving...looking like 100 million dollars!

Looking forward to our exciting day!

Look at these "100 million dollar" -aires!

What great smiles...definitely excited about the day's events!

Another group of eager faces!

Looking fabulous!

More great outfits!  And a little bit of great posing as well! :)

Adorable costumes!

More amazing outfits, and excited faces!

Did you boys coordinate your 100 million dollar outfits? :) 

Looking so fancy, girls!

Our class!!!!!

Our "fancy" poses, in honor of our "fancy" 100th day!

No photo shoot is complete without a "silly" pic!

Mrs. Tucci had to get in on the fun!

More fancy poses!

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